New, new, new! Everything new. I’ve been working with Windows 10 for awhile now and for the most part, I like it. The OS seems pretty stable and after updating a few apps, all seems perfectly fine. I have found my way through the changes to be able to do my daily tasks, but have yet to really find the time to explore the new features to any extent in this new OS.
The same goes with Office 2016, which I installed a couple of days ago. Slightly different look and feel, but nothing really standing out to me as yet. I am sure I will find some new features that I will like. Is it worth moving to this version? I can’t say at this point.
New iPhone is now available. I changed plans at Sprint and leased a new iPhone 6 on the iPhone forever plan. I already had an iPhone 6 and was able to sell that one. All in all, I feel good how it worked out. Now the iPhone 6s is available, which I can get anytime I’m ready with another $36 activation fee. Is it worth it to change again? I just don’t know. Lot’s of really cool technology, but will I use it. I’m just getting to know my current phone.
New Windows Server OS will be out soon. Exchange 2016 is already available along with other Microsoft server products. Microsoft Surface, iPads, Apple Watch, Google, cloud drives from so many vendors, tools and utilities galore. It seems technology is moving so rapidly that I cannot see how anyone can take advantage of what any current product may offer as the next new shiny upgrade is coming so quickly.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a host of other social media sites and services are a part of daily life and business. Trying to keep all of these communication sites up to date has created a whole new field of experts. I guess that is good for the job market, but I come up short of breath trying to keep up so as to advise my customers on what will really be beneficial to the operation of their business.
Honestly, all the new still gets me excited. I do like new, and I also like stability. There is a balance, just as there is in all of life. Finding it is the challenge.